on February 28, 2021, as established by Law Decree no. 76/2020 (the so-called Simplification Decree), is the deadline by which all Public Administrations must integrate their collection systems for the collection of revenue with the PagoPA circuit.
The transition to this system will be mandatory only and exclusively for the Public Administration but it is recommended for all Entities.
Tecnosys Italia was ahead of its time and has already had a module (w-PagoPA) for managing the issuance and collection flows compliant with AGID standards.
w-PagoPA is a module of the e-Working® platform, which integrates with the Real Estate management system, created specifically to allow, in a simple and immediate way, the management and sending of invoices and repayment plans to tenants and entering the amount to be paid in the PagoPA circuit.
Why choose w-PagoPA:
- Simplification in the management of payments and in the relationship with the tenant.
- Possibility of notifying the tenant in real time via digital channels used by the Institution (notifications via the App or on the Payment Service Provider’s website, SMS or e-mail).
- Certainty of the debt owed. If the amount varies over time due to default interest or other, the amount is automatically updated on the PagoPA circuit.
- Simplicity and speed of the process: just enter the warning code IUV (Unique Payment Identifier) to pay and receive the release receipt or the certainty that the Entity has collected the debt.
- Automatic collection reconciliation (automatic collection of all IUV paid through PagoPA).
- Collection of the sums D+1 (working day following the payment) directly on the treasury accounts.
- Multichannel integrated: you can pay anywhere, such as tobacconists, post offices, banks, internet, etc. Providing multiple collection channels means cashing out sooner!
- Reduction of shipping costs.