CHIPS Web and CHIPS Mobile at the Infopol Conference
Free event, starting at 08:15
ENNA 17 NOVEMBER at the Palazzo Chiaramonte, Sala Cerere, piazza Vittorio Emanuele – Enna (EN), from 08:15 to 16:00.
Tecnosys Italia together with EngiNe, a company producing systems for controlling infringements of the Highway Code, on November 17th. they will be present at the free training day on the Cartabia Reform, organized by Infopol and dedicated to the Commanders and operators of the Local Police.
Specifically during the event we will have the pleasure of presenting our company and our leading solutions Chips WEB and Chips MOBILE , both aimed at the complete management of the sanctioning process of the Police Commands Local – Provincial and the management of all payment, control and sanctioning activities in the Parking & Mobility.
CHIPS Web is the complete solution capable of managing the entire sanctioning process reducing the workload of the Agents and the timing of the entire process, optimizing the organizational aspects and improving the performance of the Command. Specifically, it manages both the sanctions referred to the C.d.S and those deriving from other types of infringements, typically referred to as “extra C.d.S.” (municipal regulations and other); it also manages the issue of Permits for various reasons.
The system integrates with the IO App: for sending reports and inviting payment before notification. It also interfaces with the SEND-PND platform.
CHIPS Mobile is an effective control tool, which allows you to check the validity of the parking, manage any type of report, check and verify the data of the vehicle (insurance, MOT, …) and of the offender through public databases, transforming the device into a real Mobile Operations Centre. A Web dashboard allows authorized personnel to obtain any information, reports and statistics in real time
CHIPS Permits is the Tecnosys Italia solution for managing the issue, renewal and control of permits and subscriptions for rest and parking areas, Z.T.L permits, release, renewal, control of all other types of permit.
Below are the details of the training day which will have the Cartabia Reform as its main theme:
08:15 Registration
09:00 – 11:00 “The Cartabia Reform” | Nicola Candido
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 11:45 “Digital Transformation and Innovative Services for Local Police Headquarters” | Tecnosys Italia Srl
11:45 – 12:00 “Best Technology at the Service of Local Police” | Engine Srl
12:00 – 13:30 ”The Cartabia Reform” | Nicola Candido
13:30 End of work