The values of human capital at the center of everything. This is the mission of Tecnosys Italia, a company of excellence from Enna, leader in the production of software especially for public bodies and large companies, with offices also in Catania, Milan and Pavia, which last weekend organized a company meeting in Enna with all its approximately 50 collaborators. The event, centered on the quality of life in the company and outside the company, developed around the themes of verbal and non-verbal communication, interpersonal relationships and group dynamics.
Going beyond the rigid canonical schemes of the Company Conventions, everything was discussed except work. A first experience that Tecnosys Italia has started and intends to continue in the future to affirm, share and consolidate the founding values of the company. Employees and owners, the brothers Palma, Tonino and Carmelo and Alessandro son of Tonino, were together on Saturday discussing how to improve interpersonal relationships and the corporate climate, assisted by dr. Palolo Garofalo expert in communication and by dr. Salvo Coco expert in relational and value dynamics.
Alternating listening and experiential phases, the day passed with a continuous discussion, exchange of experiences in a crescendo of great intensity that highlighted those human aspects that would hardly have emerged outside such an informal and engaging context.
“We and you in particular – said Alessandro – are ordinary people who can do extraordinary things”. “Our goal is to bring out and enhance, beyond working relationships, those human and value aspects that give meaning to being together and sharing goals – continues Tonino -. “Whoever collaborates with us – continues Carmelo – must feel involved and protagonist of the growth and of the company choices themselves.”.
In the evening a singular culinary competition saw all the participants involved in the preparation of typical Sicilian and Lombard dishes consumed in a rural location while listening to live music with the Chivas Quartet band from Enna.
Sunday, thanks to the availability of the mayor of Calascibetta, Piero Capizzi and his administration, who granted the use of the tensostatic structure, all together they played a volleyball tournament in mixed teams. A way of making a “team” that was greatly appreciated by the collaborators themselves which, according to them, served to acquire strong motivational signals and a sense of belonging to a group whose elements, until then, had not had the opportunity to get to know each other directly and so deeply.
The day ended with a singular game, the delivery of awards which, in turn, the participants themselves gave to their colleagues and owners based on the different distinctive qualities of each (Determination, Reliability, Passion, Belonging, Positivity, Serenity … ).
But what do the collaborators themselves think? “It was a pleasant surprise for me – says Rosalinda, one of the latest arrivals at Tecnosys Italia and who currently works in the Milan office – a very special convention where the team spirit was strongly highlighted but without too much exasperation of business results, but highlighting human values”. “They were two days in which we had the opportunity to understand how to improve interpersonal relationships – continues Gaetana, one of the veterans of the Tecnosys Italia “team” of the Enna office – we had the pleasure of meeting our colleagues from the other venues especially in Milan and Pavia and this was very nice. At the center of everything there were the values of the person”. “A wonderful, very formative experience, especially on a human level – concludes Stefano from the Pavia office – in the two days we worked a lot on training but on the level of interpersonal relationships, highlighting the values of the person. One of the most interesting aspects that we all got to appreciate was the fact that the owners themselves got involved and participated in all the activities with us. Working at Tecnosys is like being in a big family.”.