With the 2018 Budget Law n. 205 of 2017, the mandatory nature of electronic invoicing between private entities was sanctioned starting from January 2019.
Electronic invoicing is a digital system for issuing, transmitting and storing invoices through the Interchange System (SDI) which allows you to reduce all paper-based costs and prevent tax evasion.
Tecnosys Italia has software solutions that allow the issuance of invoices in electronic format in a simple and intuitive way.
w-GeFat and w-FPA are the Tecnosys Italia solutions that operate within the e-Working platform created to manage, in a simple and immediate way, the issue of electronic invoices and the archiving of all the documents produced.
The two modules allow you to indicate all the indispensable information, as well as the generation of an XML file containing all the invoice data in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, for the purpose of correct transmission of the invoice to the recipient through the Exchange System (SDI).
w-GeFat and w-FPA are characterized by their high operational flexibility which guarantees rapid processing times and production of results in compliance with all national regulations.