– From a press release issued by the municipal administration of Arezzo –
Thanks to the use of the Tecnosys Italia CHIPS MOBILE App and the integration with all parking payment systems, today control personnel are provided with an effective and easy-to-use tool.
“These new systems – noted the mayor – make it possible to respond to a concrete need repeatedly expressed by users: to have an efficient tool within everyone’s reach, given the diffusion of smartphones, for the use of street parking. A goal that we had since the beginning of the mandate takes shape: bureaucratic simplification through new technologies. This system makes payment easier and therefore facilitates it”.
It is very simple to use, after having parked the car, just open the App and set the start and duration of the stop; if you want to extend it or end it early, you can always do it from your smartphone, which will warn you of the imminent parking expiry via advance notification.
Thanks to the CHIPS MOBILE application, Atam’s auxiliaries, equipped with a PDA/smartphone, can automatically check by simply reading the license plate whether that vehicle has paid for or extended its stay.
CHIPS MOBILE also allows the parking operator to provide citizens with useful information relating to the services offered by the administration, such as: available parking areas, main city attractions, museum opening hours and more.