
ATC Piemonte Nord and Tecnosys Italia together for a leap towards the future!

May 24, 2023 | Events | 0 comments


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ATC Piemonte Nord and Tecnosys Italia together for a leap into the future!
Monday 2 May ATC (Territorial Agency for the Home) Piemonte Nord has called, at its headquarters in Novara, a press conference jointly with the company Tecnosys Italia of Enna, for the presentation of a unique innovative project in the Public Residential Construction sector in Italy. The project was carried out by Tecnosys Italia for ATC Piemonte Nord, with the collaboration of other companies with specific skills in the field of communication systems and technologies of interrelationship between users and digital devices.

The innovativeness of the Tecnosys Italia solution, integrated with ChatBot systems, consists in the possibility for the tenants of the ATC of Piedmont to be able to obtain, through simple requests, made through a contact center, punctual answers and start requests automatically.

Through this solution, users can request, for example, maintenance interventions relating to buildings and systems, can consult the administrative, accounting and contractual data relating to their accommodation, request access to the social fund and other functions and services offered by the Body.

The solution makes use of an Artificial Intelligence system, capable of carrying out a semantic interpretation of the questions presented and activating an automatic response mode in connection with the management programs of the Institution.

In addition, the system, in connection with the +Housing Plus App, also created by Tecnosys Italia, is able to book appointments and manage videoconference meetings, allowing users to get answers and interact with the offices without moving from home, saving time and money.

The event obtained a very important media response, in fact numerous newspapers, both regional such as the Voce di Novara, News Novara, Corriere di Novara and national ones such as Ansa and La Stampa, gave prominence to the press conference.

The President of Tecnosys Italia, Tonino Palma, declared: «Thanks to the research and development activity that we have already started for years and to the technologies applied, today we are able to accompany our customers towards the digital transition and the innovation of processes. We carried out this project together with ATC Piemonte Nord to optimize internal organization and improve relations between the institution and its users. Specifically, we have created a platform, a unique example at national level, which aims to substantially break down the Digital Divide in a particular area, such as that of public housing”.
