PO FESR 2014-2020

CUP G19J18001220007

Project n° 086202000588

Action 1.1.5 Support for the technological advancement of companies through the financing of pilot lines and early product validation and large-scale demonstration actions.

Project sponsored by European Union

PO FESR Sicily 2014/2020

S6 Project (A Smart, Social and SDN-based Surveillance System for Smart-cities) is a platform that aims to create an innovative and pervasive video surveillance system that allows you to exploit the potential offered by the combination of the two technologies, SDN and NFV, and the edge and fog computing paradigms thanks to the latter’s characteristic of decentralizing the intelligence of information systems by moving the computational capabilities from the cloud, or from the central computing nodes, towards the periphery of the network and, in particular, towards the access nodes.

The objective is, therefore, to create a system of Smart Access Nodes (SAN), managed by a common Orchestrator, within which to instantiate computer vision functions, artificial intelligence, sensors and real-time on-line video streaming functions. demand that allow you to share content and/or enable alarm functions in a social way.

European Commission – www.ec.europa.eu

Sicilian Region – www.regione.sicilia.it

PO FESR SICILIA 2014-2020 – www.porfesr.regione.sicilia.it