CUP G75F18000550008
Project n° 06EN6201000194

Project sponsored by European Union
PO FESR Sicily 2014/2020
AXIS 1 – Research, technological development and innovation
ACTION 1.1.2 – ” Support for the acquisition of instruments aimed at the innovation of business’s strategic, technologic, organisational and commercial capital. “
- Re-engineer production processes;
- Strategic relocation of products / services;
- Improve the quality of products / services through changes and/or adjustments of marketing strategies, packaging, advertising, distribution and sales network and after-sales services.
There will be different typologies of developed activities, ranging from company business plan analysis to the innovation of commercial and organizational processes, from e-business and e-marketing tools development to coaching for business’s commercial innovation.
Improvement of Management KNOW-HOW;
- Review of the model for human resources management;
- Improvement to employees knowledge and expertise of business development strategies ;
- Improvement of services and products quality through adjustments in marketing strategy, packaging, advertisement, distribution and sale network, post sale services.
- Digital transformation of marketing processes;
- Improvement to the commercial output of the company.
Link to the official website of the PO FESR Sicily 2014-2020: www.euroinfosicilia.it
European Commission – www.ec.europa.eu
Sicilian Region – www.regione.sicilia.it
PO FESR SICILIA 2014-2020 – www.porfesr.regione.sicilia.it