PO FESR Sicilia 2014-2020

CUP G69J18001110007

Project n° 082630290292

Action 1.1.5 Support for the technological advancement of companies through the financing of pilot lines and actions for the early validation of products and large-scale demonstrations.

Project sponsored by European Union

PO FESR Sicily 2014/2020

Cloud4City is an innovative project based on the increasing geolocation technology. The challenging goal is to bring geolocation even in indoor and outdoor spaces using local networks and growing IOC devices technologies.

The project aims to enhance the territory through proximity services by promoting services granted by the public administration and the commercial companies of the territory.

Moreover, the network of users that aims to connect is of high social values allowing to the parties involved to create an added values to the territory.

European Commission –

Sicilian Region –

PO FESR SICILIA 2014-2020 –